What makes us put so much trust in social-networking sites?
I think that Nev put so much trust into Facebook as he did because he truly believed that there was a normal family out there who's daughter was really into art and it was inspiring to him. I personally feel that it is not so much as trust that we put into social-networking sites but more of us not really thinking about things for example, when we receive a friend request or whatever we do not necessarily say "oh, this might be a crazy person" we just go about our day and accept. I think we just think everyone is on the site just as we are just being sociable even though we know we want probably ever talk to them its just social networking "courtesy" to accept. I just think we do not take into account that there are total creepers outside our social networking world and that people can really learn about us from our pages and harm us.
How come Nev did not see the red flags ?
I do not understand how Nev did not see all the alerting factors that something was quite fishy about the whole Abby situation. First, the whole point that Abby was allowed to email pictures of herself to a grown man is completely unbelievable. I understand the whole thing about how parents do not always have control over their kids and the internet but that whole problem does not even factor into this situation because the mother did have knowledge of it and the fact that any mother would allow that should have been the number red flag to him. Another reason I feel Nev should have known something was up is because of how the whole family just for some reason had to chat with him about Abby most of them saying the same thing and the fact that Abby was never around when he talked to her mother and sister and stuff. I think Nev did not see these alerts because he probably just could not believe that someone would waste all this time to have a ploy like this and actually put there daughter and family in it.
What are the chances of what happened in the film happening in real life?
I think that the chances of what happened in the film happening in real life is very high. Since this documentary was over a long period of time I think Nev just felt more and more comfortable with the family as it went on and that if someone did this in real life they could totally form a relationship with a person for their on odd reasons. I have a friend who started dating a boy that she met off of Facebook which is really weird to me. And he has like 12 different pages with different girlfriends on each and I think that if it is so easy for me to find it how come she couldn't.
The main character is why I consider all Jews annoying...listen to him talk through his nose...you just want to punch the guy.